Contacts / Italiano
  • Street Theatre
    Moonlight – Luce di Luna
    The angels of the night dressed all in white carry with them moons that float across the sky

Moonlight is a parade on stilts with illuminated costumes and floating moons, evoked from large balloons, even these illuminated, reaching 4 meters high, accompanying the performers during their exhibition.


Basic Version: two artists on stilts and one artist on ground with music.
More artists on stilts available on request

Dettagli tecnici:

We would require a room with a table and chairs for artists to get ready.
For Moonlight - the maximum height of the stilts with the balloons reaches 4 meters. We are not able to perform Moonlight if there are obstacles under 4 meters height.

Associazione Teatro per Caso

c/o biblioteca di Nago, Via Piazzola
38069 Nago (Tn) - Italia
P.I. 01540880224

Tel. (+39) 0464.532612
Fax (+39) 0464.532612
Mob. (+39) 347.0378509) / (+39) 347.0547368

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